Repubblica Federale di St.Charlie - Official Forum

Dimissioni Bronisz - Bronisz's resignation address

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Patryk Adam Bronisz
view post Posted on 5/9/2010, 19:16

Okay, it's time to explain everything.

Let's began...
We want to make first episode of SCAN in Saturday, because one of reporters was busy in Sunday. But that's not a problem. At Sunday morning I was search news to SCAN. And when I found it I was start make scenario. Some hours later I was going to Katarzyna's house because studio was in her home. And now i must say something. That was my first visit in studio. Yeah. So when I saw it first time I can't find perfect place to record. But then I find...well... maybe not perfect, but good corner. Okay, we start record (I send videos to Jacopo, but I don't want to public it, because they're stupid). And my second fold. I don't check microphone in my camera before. Okay, maybe it work good when you want record falls in Baltic Sea, but not when you want record people voice. So I was come back from her home with nothing. Then I was wondering what I shall do. Believe me. I really want make this happen.
But I don't have correct camera. Yeah, yeah I can notice this before...But how I say, I don't check microphone. And I can't connect another microphone.

So yeah-all situation is my fold. I don't check studio and camera. And I know that it don't change much, but I want say that I'm really sorry for this. I really want make this happen. I want do something for Charlie. But I can't.

Yeah, maybe it's too late for apology. So today I resigned from office (Director of SCAN) and it come back to Fabiana Gallo della Loggia. And that's the end of my "career". Of course I'll look what's going on in SC and vote in elections.

QUOTE (Tzar Nick @ 19/8/2010, 19:46)
I wouldn't like to see you Poles have a nervous breakdown ;)

Nick-you're a prophet.

Okay maybe quite word to special people, who help me.
@ Jacopo - again sorry that I wasted your free time. And thanks for great message.
@ Heinrich, Leonard- only two people who respond for my request about St.Charlian correspondents. Really thanks for interested.
@ Thanks for all foreign correspondents (actually correspondents) who enjoy to the project.

Ah and I forgot: can someone cut me from group "Giornalisti" and cut "Forum Led by: Patryk Adam Bronisz"

Okay now: Netiquette is gone, you can insult me. And tell me what you really think about me.
Leonard Von Sternberg
view post Posted on 5/9/2010, 19:43

Hmm... i feel sorry for this.. but it can happen to everyone... so don't worry, maybe you could help me and "Jacopo" (Reinhardt) with videos we publish on our Youtube Channels (SCAFBroadcast, Stcharliebroadcast), or give your voice to some St. Charlie videos.

@Interest: No problem! ;)
Magnus De Armis
view post Posted on 6/9/2010, 00:53

Qualcuno (non Luca, perché è un compagno :D ) traduca :D

La tua carriera finita un corno! E lo dico col sorriso sulle labbra tanta voglia di fare e tanto entusiasmo mica ce lo lasciamo scappar via così facilmente ehh ;-)

Puoi fare moltissimo per e con St.Charlie in tanti altri modi. Scrivere articoli, darti alla politica (mi divertirebbe averti dall'altra parte della barricata :D ) soprattutto quella estera ect. Insomma di cose da fare ne hai xD

Per la cronaca, appunto di crisi di nervi, dovresti vedere le mie xD quando mi capitano cose del genere. Per un periodo che varia dai due ai tre minuti mantengo un aria zen, poi insulto l'oggetto/persona in questione, infine me ne vado a prendermi un caffè xD

Infine, per quanto riguardo me non ti devi scusare di nulla. Hai dato il meglio di te, anche solamente nell'organizzazione, il che non è poco.

Un saluto caloroso,

Non mi ero presentato come corrispondente perché la mia conoscenza dell'inglese vero (non quello per rimorchiare xD) è pari a quella dell'ostrogoto. xD
Alexander Reinhardt
view post Posted on 6/9/2010, 09:39

CITAZIONE (Magnus De Armis @ 6/9/2010, 01:53)
Qualcuno (non Luca, perché è un compagno :D ) traduca :D


Non mi ero presentato come corrispondente perché la mia conoscenza dell'inglese vero (non quello per rimorchiare xD) è pari a quella dell'ostrogoto. xD

Francesco says:
You career is not over! And I say this with a smile on my face because you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm that we cannot let you go like that ;)
You can do a lot with and for St.Charlie in other ways: write articles, get into politics (It'd be fun o have you on the other side of the barricades :D ), especially the foreign one etc. I mean, there are things you could do xD
About nervous breakdowns, you should see mine xD When these kind of things happen, for a moment between 2 and 3 minutes I try to keep a relaxed attitude, then I insult the object in question repeatedly, and then I leave for a coffee. :asd:
Concluding, after me you don't need to be sorry. You gave the best of yourself, even only in the organisation, which is a lot.

p.s I didn't present myself for the correspondent thing because my knowledge of real English (not the one for flirting xD) is the same as Ostrogoth. :asd:


Now, what I think about this, like the others, is that you shouldn't feel sorry for this. Cameras are devils, and if I told you how much times I wanted to make a video but couldn't because of my camera, we'd end up speaking for hours. :lol: Anyway, don't feel sad about it, and remember we still recognize the incredible work you did in the last days, which won't be wasted. ;)

So don't feel sorry, and get to work, we need people like you! :P :asd:
Heinrich Schneider
view post Posted on 6/9/2010, 09:49

First translating for our dear Communist:

"Your career isn't finished at all! And I say so smiling: we don't let people like you, with lots of enthusiasm and the wish to do things, just run away ;-)

You can do so much for yourself and for St.Charlie in many other ways. By writing articles, going into politics (I would love to have you on the "other" side of the trench) and especially into foreign affairs ect. I mean, you've got plenty of stuff to do xD

For the record, talking about nervous breakdowns, you should see mine xD when stuff like this happens to me. For a period of time that goes from two to three minutes, I maintain a meditation-atmosphere, then I insult the object/person in question, and finally I get myself some coffee xD

Finally, I personally don't think you need to be sorry about anything. You gave your very best, even only in the organisation, which isn't easy at all.

Warmest regards,


I didn't make myself available as a correspondent because my knowledge of real english (not the one to chat up girls xD) is on the same level as my knowledge of ancient germanic lagnuages." [Which is why I'm translating this, n.d.r :P]

Right, now to my reply. With the risk of repeating what's being said: don't worry! The fact that you took on such an ambitious project, sorted out the logistics, got loads of people to join as foreign correspondents while having 0 foreign affairs knowledge is already impressive by itself!

Please don't think we're displeased in any shape or form, in fact, we're grateful you have put such effort and enthusiasm into a St.Charlian project. We know some things don't always work out as we wish them to, but hey, life goes on :)

As Magnus said, don't even think of leaving just because SCAN didn't work out :P You can help us out with the Observer or our new project of a newsletter. And of course, you can continue your "apprenticeship" with Jacopo and I can't wait until you become a full-fledged member of the NPSC!

So to sum it up: a) I'm not disappointed/angry/anything - rather I'm grateful. b) There a lot of work still to be done, and I think you can really help us :)

Best regards,

view post Posted on 14/9/2010, 16:27

It's completely fine Patryk, and completely understandable. I wish you well for the future!
5 replies since 5/9/2010, 19:16   84 views